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HOLA! Stoked to have you fitness, yoga and outdoors fans here. I am an activity fiend, and fell in love with buckwheat for the energy it gives me... and the addictive crunch. I think you'll be just as obsessed with this new gluten-free source of protein. So here's a way to save up to $5 - $41 when you try whatever flavors you want!! ENJOY!!

Clusterbucks superfood snack, the best buckwheat snack made from gluten free buckwheat

Complete Protein, Prebiotic Fiber, Flavorful & Delicious

Clusterbucks buckwheat clusters are made with your needs in mind:

💪 6g-8g protein per 2oz serving

😊 6g prebiotic fiber

🚫 Gluten & Grain Free

🤌 Just enough maple sugar to be a lil sweet, but not too sweet

✨ Adaptogens for stress-reduction and added health benefits

😋 Innovative, delicious flavors you love


"Can’t start the daywithout these"

Bon Appetit Logo for a sprouted buckwheat health benefits review

"The perfect amount of crunch and flavor"

Self Magazine Logo for a sprouted buckwheat health benefits review

"One of the best late night snacks!"

Women's health Logo for a sprouted buckwheat health benefits review

"Incredible way to enjoy buckwheat!"

Martha Stewart Logo for a sprouted buckwheat health benefits review
Gluten Free Grain Free Improving Soil Health Complete Plant Protein High Fiber Heart Healthy Woman Owned Gluten Free Grain Free Improving Soil Health Complete Plant Protein High Fiber Heart Healthy Woman Owned Gluten Free Grain Free Improving Soil Health Complete Plant Protein High Fiber Heart Healthy Woman Owned Gluten Free Grain Free Improving Soil Health Complete Plant Protein High Fiber Heart Healthy Woman Owned
sprouted buckwheat health benefits

America's first buckwheat snack... but what is Buckwheat?

Let's first get one myth out of the way: Buckwheat is a FRUIT SEED, not a grain! Buckwheat is naturally gluten-free and grain-free, and packed with protein, fiber and heart-healthy antioxidants. We sprout and dehydrate these seeds so they are crunchy, raw and ready to eat with the nutrients in their most bio-available form.

Buckwheat Health Benefits

Buckwheat Health Benefits: Buckwheat complete amino acid protein

Complete Amino Acid Plant-Based Protein (6g per serving)

Buckwheat Health Benefits: heart health benefits

Low glycemic and can help regulate blood sugar

Buckwheat Health Benefits: high in prebiotic fiber for a healthy gut

Prebiotic fiber for gut health (5g per serving)

Buckwheat Health Benefits: 10 times more antioxidants than quinoa

Rich source of Rutin, a heart-healthy antioxidant

Buckwheat Health Benefits: paleo friendly, is buckwheat gluten free? yes. buckwheat is grain free too.

Gluten-free and grain-free

Buckwheat Health Benefits: buckwheat contains 25% of your daily value of magnesium, which is good for focus and sleep.

25% Daily Value of Magnesium, shown to help sleep and focus

Love for Clusterbucks

What Makes Clusterbucks Better?

That most unreal crunch factor.

Buckwheat has to be cooked or sprouted for us to digest it, but it's usually cooked. We instead sprout and dehydrate to give these seeds an unrivaled crunch, making them versatile for all our products!

That most unreal crunch factor.

Loaded with Superfoods

Clusterbucks are made with buckwheat as a base, a superfood on its own. Then we bind the seeds with other superfoods and adaptogens like flax seed, pumpkin seeds, coconut, ashwagandha, reishi and more to create the perfect cluster!

Loaded with Superfoods

Those soil health benefits.

Buckwheat (which actually comes from a flowering plant) is an amazing cover crop, which brings more nutrients into the soil so we can keep farming for generations to come. We source from American farmers!

Support U.S. Farmers
Those soil health benefits.

Our "BUCK YES!" Satisfaction Guarantee

If you don’t feel like saying “Buck Yes!” after your first crunchtastic bites, let us know by emailing us orders@lovelilbucks.com and we can make it right with a refund. That easy!

Try Clusterbucks Now

Our Most Popular Deal... Going fast!

The 10-pack variety is a crowd-favorite, so everyone in the family gets to try it all and choose different flavors. Plus, you get free shipping.

You may be surprised which flavor you like best... 😉