Healthy Holiday Tips
Posted on February 16 2022,

Healthy Holiday Tips
Hydrate with water
- First and foremost hydrate hydrate hydrate! Water does so much for your body. It regulates your mood, helps keep your skin glowing, helps to flush out the toxins that we all will be ingesting during this time. Never underestimate the power of hydration!
Don’t skip meals
- Skipping a meal with the goal of saving calories prior to a holiday event can often backfire and lead to overeating due to ravenous feelings of hunger. Having a filling snack, such as fruit, string cheese, yogurt or a small handful of nuts, can help to curb your appetite and prevent overeating.
Bring a healthy dish
- Ensure at least one nutritious choice is available at family gatherings by contributing your very own healthy meal item. This will give you peace of mind knowing no matter what, you can always fall back on your own nourishing dish!
Enjoy seasonal treats!
- Having the occasional treat once a year will not make or break your health goals. Make sure you take time to really savor that special treat when you have it. That extra piece of pie is good for the soul!
Eat until you’re happily satisfied, not stuffed
- No one likes that overly stuffed feeling after overly gorging on food. Eat mindfully and slowly, and check your overall fullness while you’re eating. Remember — leftovers are the best part of the holidays! The gift that keeps on giving.
Do not feel guilty
- If you did overindulge (which we all do because food is yummy), don’t beat yourself up. The holidays are a special time. Your focus should not be on the food you’re consuming, but rather the company you’re with. Be present and enjoy spending time with friends and loved ones. You’ll be back to your normal routine in no time!
Add more veggies to your plate
- Veggies, veggies, veggies! It’s easy to go all-out on our favorite dishes, but sometimes eating mindfully is as simple as starting your meal with nutritious greens.That way you’re more likely to fill up on the good stuff first thing! Maybe add more vegetable dishes to the dinner table spread, finding unique ways to dress them up without making them completely unhealthy.
Opt for homemade food instead of processed
- Homemade everything can be tricky when you’re bouncing from event to event, but it can also ensure that you’re eating healthier foods. Pre-made and canned foods are packed with excess salt and sugar that you don’t necessarily need to make a delicious dish. Homemade pies, potatoes and soups allow you to reduce your sugar and sodium intake, while still indulging on your holiday favorites.
Don’t forgo exercise during this time
- Move your bodies! Exercise helps us cope with the holiday stress and releases endorphins that make us feel good! Every little bit counts- walking, living room jumping jacks, ice skating- a great way to give back to yourself during this time.
Make time for yourself!
- Whether you’re staying with your family over the holidays or just attending multiple events, always remember to make a little bit of time every day for yourself. Whether that’s walking, meditating once a day, or reading, those moments we give to ourselves will make us better humans to those around us. Even extroverts like me need time to recharge our batteries!
And the most important tip of them all: bring a bag of lil bucks and clusterbucks wherever you go!
- Saving the best for last with this one! Buckwheat is a great guilt free snack that will satisfy cravings while also fueling your holiday endeavors! The perfect on the road snack
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